Candlelit Gong Bath & Meditation

Every other Thursday at 19:45-20:45

If you have never experienced a Gong Bath, you’re in for a treat! Apart from its mesmerising sound, the gong has been shown to have therapeutic value: to detoxify, reduce blood pressure, relieve stress and stimulate the immune system. All you have to do is lay down and let the sounds wash over you.

To prepare you for the Gong Bath, we will start with a short set of yoga stretches and breathing. After the Gong Bath we will seal the practice by meditating together.


Dates TBC

This is a space to connect with yourself, connect with your inner voice and be guided to honour your self care. Regular meditation practice is reported to balance hormones and stabilise emotions. Come and connect with who you wish to be.

This will be a fortnightly meditation class lasting 1 hour. You can take homework away if you wish which is an optional extra.

When you arrive you get to leave the world behind and be yourself in your meditation practice of self love.